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The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Tactics (Limited Run #92) - Nintendo Switch

In The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Tactics, you will lead a fledgling resistance of Gelfling against their oppressive overlords, the Skeksis, across more than 50 unique turn-based tactics RPG battles. Along the way, you will recruit and customize new…
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In The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Tactics, you will lead a fledgling resistance of Gelfling against their oppressive overlords, the Skeksis, across more than 50 unique turn-based tactics RPG battles. Along the way, you will recruit and customize new allies by assigning them jobs, modifying their abilities, and outfitting them with equipment to ensure victory. With 14 playable characters, including familiar faces from the classic film and the new Netflix Original series, you build your own teams and devise winning strategies to overthrow the rule of the Skeksis and restore light to the Gelfling homeworld of Thra!


Produkt ID
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Tactics (Limited Run #92)
Yderligere informationer
Nintendo Switch

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